Lesotho Sky
Sunsets happen every day, sometimes they take a bit of a hike to get to. This one was taken at the top of Baboon's pass. It also included a visit from some lovely locals. Be Exploring
Sunsets happen every day, sometimes they take a bit of a hike to get to. This one was taken at the top of Baboon's pass. It also included a visit from some lovely locals. Be Exploring
Sometimes home is what the heart wants, in fact I guess the heart wants what it wants and from my experience it keeps on wanting it till you give it to it. I once had a Cinnabon craving for 6 months and eventually gave in an bought one and was
So it's been a while since I posted a photo... Might be going on a slight Dakar photo binge for a while, but I'll try to make them as generic as possible. This one is in Chile, somewhere in the Atacama. rexfuzzle.com
So I recently went surfing, well attempted to anyway. In a word, it was cold. I somehow managed to choose a terrible day to go surfing- there was a cold wind and the water wasn’t exactly warm either. But there we were- in Durban, at sunrise, surfing. Let me
So it has been a while, but when it's summer time then there are night like this one. Good Times. Be Boating rexfuzzle.com
So I have a some more dam photos that I think are kinda cool but I can't have loads of single posts with all of them so here is a post with what I think are some of the best ones, other than those previously posted. Be heading
So we recently took a little trip to the Kingdom in the Mountains, aka Lesotho and this is a picture of the sunset over Katse dam. I'm not going to kid around, there was quite a bit of editing done on this one. Be Good rexfuzzle.com
So it has been a long long time since the last photo here on the fuzzle. This one was taken over Pretoria with the blue communications tower coming out nicely. No fancy photoshop or anything anymore. Be Blue rexfuzzle.com
So this is a slightly older photo, but none the less. A sunset from the Thames in London which includes a plane and a reflection off a communication tower. Be Travelling rexfuzzle.com
So on these awesome summer's eves the sun might go down and the lights come on and then the games really begin. Nothings like summer and some ultimate!
When you get to a place called Kleinjongensfontein you might want to do a U-turn, as the car in picture did, because for one the road doesn't carry on and two there is nothing further down the coast. One might argue that there is nothing in Kleinjongensfontein, but
So this is from Namibia as well and this one I edited slightly using my trusty friend photoshop, just to bring out some of the colours a bit better. Was only possible cause I was shooting in RAW. Be Pier rexfuzzle.com