"Dit help nie om te kla nie"

Sometimes people disappoint me a lot. Recently I was speaking to someone and asked them how they are, as is the custom and they replied by saying that it doesn't help complaining (What the title says for those of you not proficient in afrikaans). Seriously, is that the attitude that some people have. Wow, in my head this is meaning that all that they can think to do is complain and they've obviously grown tired of that so now they just let the world know that they've basically given up trying to be positive and even stopped complaining, just accepted their state of unhappiness.Wow, anyway, so that was negative but I have a solution and it is simple. When someone asks you how you are, you respond by saying always good, or always awesome, in that way you do two things. One is that you remind yourself that you are awesome and that always puts a smile on my face and second is that you tell everybody else that you are being positive and maybe you might infect them a little and it'll rub off on them. At the end of that day, as with most things, the moral of the story is to be positive, as this blog has hopefully pointed out a number of times.Be Positive