Lesotho Sky
Sunsets happen every day, sometimes they take a bit of a hike to get to. This one was taken at the top of Baboon's pass. It also included a visit from some lovely locals. Be Exploring
Sunsets happen every day, sometimes they take a bit of a hike to get to. This one was taken at the top of Baboon's pass. It also included a visit from some lovely locals. Be Exploring
So here I sit once again and my oh my, it has been a while- crisis. Anyway, the blog is going to make it and that would entail me blogging a bit, so it is, as I said, once again. I would like to apologise for the absence of posts
So I have a some more dam photos that I think are kinda cool but I can't have loads of single posts with all of them so here is a post with what I think are some of the best ones, other than those previously posted. Be heading
Once again on the Dam, this time on a perfectly still morning. The dam is quite something to take it all at once. Be Still rexfuzzle.com
So we recently took a little trip to the Kingdom in the Mountains, aka Lesotho and this is a picture of the sunset over Katse dam. I'm not going to kid around, there was quite a bit of editing done on this one. Be Good rexfuzzle.com
So this is a little bit of Lesotho. Yes, the picture isn't that great, but it is the road (Moateng Pass) that is interesting and the seemingly infinite mountains. You'll also have to trust me that no matter how awesome the road looks it is more
So some things just don't happen anymore these days. The other day I was in Lesotho (I do things like this from time to time) and there we were, driving along, trying not to loose our minds at all the blind rises and a car comes past us