Migrating Google Accounts

So I recently acquired a new domain name with my name and then the process of transferring my google account over started as the new domain name was set up using google apps. This means that with my own custom domain name I get all the google features and so forth but without the @gmail.com part. The following steps worked and are result of much trial and error from various other sources.

  1. Transfer Gmail: I found that the pop method worked best. First enable pop access from your old account for all mail. The go to the new account and under the account tab try to add a new account with your old account details. Remember that it should be your username is the complete email address (Including @gmail.com). THIS WILL FAIL, the first time anyway. Go back to the old account and refresh the page. There should now be a warning that somebody tried to access the account from an unknown location which it has blocked. The irony here is that google blocked itself. Anyway, there is a link to enable the request. Now go back to the new account and try the pop request again, this time it should work. Now, sit back and relax, I had around 20000 emails and it took close on 16 hours. It downloads 200 every 5 minutes, so chill. This will place all the messages in the inbox, and I mean all... Once it has finished a simple filter import/export will arrange all your mail and then you can go to all mail and select all and mark as read and there you go... All sorted... on the gmail front.
  2. Transfer other google services. Most services can be done with a simple import export, but before you do check out this link to see what google can do for your automatically: https://www.google.com/dashboard/migration/?srcAccount=old@gmail.com&dstAccount=new@gmail.com . I haven't hyperlinked this with a reason, copy and paste it and then edit the old and new part to the correct email addresses. Do this while signed into both accounts, but with the old one selected.
    So, I hope this helped, if you have any comments or queries, let me know in the comments below, or contact me.